He had a horse and cart and carried the milk in churns which he decanted into all manner of containers that were waiting for him.
As I have previously mentioned, when we were at school we would hang over the playground wall at morning break in the expectation that he would have ginger oatcakes to give us. During the holidays we would sometimes be allowed to have a ride in his cart.
Mum cleaned at the farm and I would go with her if I was not school. I remember that the farmhouse had a stone flag floor and that's about all sadly.
The only other memory I have is that they had a "Flatley Dryer" which seemed very high tech!
Flatley looked like this picture, it also had a lid which went on it. I assume that there was a heater underneath the metal bottom board. The clothes hung on the wooden slats. The heat given off was fairly gentle - and as hardly any houses had central heating they saved drying the washing on a clothes airer in front of the fire!
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